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Carol Cook ccook1@nj.rr.com 06-10-2019 9:42:49 AM CST I'm so sorry to hear that you will be closing. You were always our afternoon trip while staying at Riedlbauer's. I loved coming here with my mother...she just recently passed away. Diane I hope your wrist gets better! And I hope someone else will open up a similar business and keep with tradition. You will be sadly missed!
Mellie Rohr auntmellie13@gmail.com 05-23-2019 3:34:17 PM CST My parents took me and my sister here beginning in the 1970's. We were regulars; also regulars at Glenbrook Farm. We spent warm, loving, fun and delicious times in your Hartman's. You are part of my happy childhood memory bank. When my sister married and had her 3 children, she carried on tradition making new memories with her family that I was fortunate and blessed to share in. I have no doubt you have been part of so many happy memories of love and enjoyment for so many people- so many families . I wish you all the best in your next chapters. I wish you health and healing. Sincerely, Mellie xo
Gisela Maurer Maurereast@ aol.com 05-01-2019 12:39:39 PM CST Hi,Diane I'm so upset after reading about the closing of the Cafe.
We come for over 50 years to the Catskills and your place was always the first stop. We enjoyed your fantastic pastries and cakes and most of all the Christmas Stollen, where will I get my Stollen this year? I even had them send by mail one year , when we were not able to come up. It is hard to see a Tradition die and the area will not be the same without you. But we want to thank you and your staff for taking care of us all these years. Kind regards and best wishes Gisela Maurer& family.
John and Maria 04-27-2019 5:44:03 PM CST Thank you for all the effort you put into making those amazing fine baked goods for so many years. Closing the business is a huge loss for this beautiful region. We’ll definitely miss you.
Diane Martin rmartin12@hvc.rr.com 04-27-2019 6:50:27 AM CST My husband Richard and I have been coming for years. What a gem with the best cakes and the most wonderful staff. Will miss you all. Best for the future.
Laura 04-19-2019 1:00:31 PM CST I’m so devastated that you’re closing.
Steve 04-14-2019 7:46:08 PM CST I was there this morning the store was closed. Looks like some construction going on. Will you be open this season.
Katherine Gawron Bereel12534@yahoo.com 04-13-2019 7:42:03 PM CST Please let me know if you are open this season! My birthday is in 2 weeks and i would love one of your cakes!
Lisa Usyk lisausyk@icloud.com 04-10-2019 3:39:34 PM CST I would like to order a cake or two for my mother's birthday on April 20th. Wondering if your open.
Denise Cance dcance@windsorsanitation.com 04-10-2019 10:48:56 AM CST Is your phone working or did you change your number I cannot get thru.
dyan kaplan dyankaplan20@gmail.com 04-01-2019 11:44:40 AM CST My daughter is getting married at West settlement Inn and would like to know if you make pies and would deliver them to roxbury . Enough pies and probably cakes for 100 people.
Kenneth Kissam kgkissam@netzero.com 03-16-2019 4:05:36 PM CST Are you opening this year? If so, when is your opening day? I miss your Apple strudel.
Henry & Ingrid 02-09-2019 8:09:08 AM CST Looking forward to the 2019 season and calendar, thank you all for a “Sweet “ 2018.
Nancy Pahl nancy.pahl@yahoo.com 08-22-2018 11:29:38 AM CST  Hey Diane, Hello My Martini Friend. Please send me the Joe Pahl Menu Special. Tommy will be up in November with your favorite
LJ ljinnes@gmail.com 08-13-2018 6:06:34 PM CST  my cousin and i have been going here every year as adults (and as kids) and she told me this year bakery only (which your bakery is awesome) but part of our tradition was to stop at Hartmann's first thing and have lunch, tea and cake. please bring it back; everyone seems to miss it. and BTW i love the little tea pots, so if you're selling them, let me know - but i'd prefer to have tea in them in your restaurant section
Mitch V. mitch.vinicor@gmail.com 08-07-2018 10:44:27 AM CST I love this place and have been coming there for decades, but I haven't been there since last year. I am about an hour away, and two friends and I regularly meet there for lunch. But with no lunch, and fewer days, I regret that it's not worth coming for just coffee and cake -- no matter how delicious your cakes and pastries are. I sure hope you will consider resuming a food menu next season!
Jimmie 06-21-2018 9:48:03 PM CST No lunch? No Wursts? Really?
Rita Spiritelli Reit124691@gmail.com 04-17-2018 12:46:37 PM CST I will miss those great German Lunches!
ann 03-18-2018 3:06:27 AM CST Last time I was there the place is for sale
Did you sell the place yet? If not when are you opening for 2018. Your website is not up to date.
David 03-05-2018 9:39:58 AM CST When are you opening for the 2018 season ????
Marty Gilbertie martypump@yahoo.com 02-27-2018 3:19:28 PM CST  Since 1982 !!!!
David 12-02-2017 8:02:10 AM CST Be warned, Hartmanns is going through tough times right now. As of a few weeks ago they had made no stollen and the cake bin was bare.( I always go for the Furst Puckler. ) Did you notice no one has bothered to change the openning notice on this website from early September saying there was no cook? We understand this can happen, but to not maintain up-to-date info is not professional. My family and friends wish the owner (and main baker) a speedy recovery. We've loved the place for years and want to keep visiting and supporting it. Maybe 2018 will be better for them. Actually this website is nicely organized and attractive, but you can't rely on it for truly "newest news" of the place.
Catherine Logue catiedaily@gmail.com 11-22-2017 7:15:52 AM CST Hi. Love all of your desserts, I have been going here since I was a little girl with my grandmother Nellie Gavin. Getting married in May 2018, what is your wedding cake pricing? Can you get back on email, thank you!
Steven M StevenJMcGuire@gmail.com 11-06-2017 7:40:03 AM CST We always stop here whenever and wherever we are in the Catskills.. The best pastries and the BEST German potato salad. Keep doing what you're doing and never change!
Maurer, Gisela Maurereast@aol.com 10-16-2017 11:12:40 AM CST Hi, would like to know if you have Stollen awalible when we come up on Oct.20-17 , could you please let me know. I don't want to drive31/2 hrs for nothing. This would be the first Christmas without your Stollen. Sincerely Gisela Maurer